The digital Cargo Community System strengthens collaboration, integration, and connectivity between all cargo companies on site. This is where the key logistics data comes together and is made accessible via interfaces and various applications. Smart cargo processes provide the community with data-driven, smart controlling options, opening up previously untapped potential. The system can be used both through a web application and via integration into existing IT systems. Even now, the system supports customs, security, dangerous goods, and supply chain management processes – with many of them already being automated. The newly-formed joint venture between Dakosy and Fraport, dubbed allivate, emphasizes the importance of this system as key infrastructure for the Frankfurt CargoHub. The joint venture will take a focused approach to developing the system further, in order to meet the needs of the cargo community.
Measures for Process Innovation
To ensure efficient air cargo handling and to be able to act quickly, it is important that all the participants are connected with one another. Fraport AG is investing heavily in digital solutions and innovative processes in the years to come, in order to optimize both airside and landside processes. This boosts efficiency along the entire value chain and facilitates straightforward, seamless, and transparent logistics. The first specific measures are outlined in the following overview. Others will follow.
Airport operator Fraport AG and software developer Dakosy AG formed a joint venture in January 2024 called allivate. The aim of allivate is to digitize and automate cargo processes – in partnership with the cargo community. To do so, allivate relies on the established Cargo Community System. The system is one of the most modern in the world. Optimized interfaces will take speed, efficiency, and reliability of cargo handling for both imports and exports to a new level. As a neutral and secure platform, the system already facilitates innovative, reliable, and secure air cargo processes for more than 1,100 companies. The aim of the joint venture is to continuously develop digital infrastructure and to provide innovative solutions to the community.
Data-driven dashboards and analysis create transparency and allow cargo processes to be evaluated in real-time. allivate’s operational Cargo Dashboard provides real-time insights into the current day’s cargo traffic. It gives information about the structure of the cargo and the utilization of the critical transfer spaces. A graphic with high-level and detail process times shows bottlenecks in daily operating routines, allowing targeted responses to be taken.
The Cargo Dashboard is unique as it allows data from all actors along the process chain to be accessed, evaluated, and aggregated via the Cargo Community System. Extensive integration with flight operation and ground traffic data facilitates continuous tracking.
The first stage of expansion, which includes the tracking of all import consignments that flow through CargoCity South, will be launched on-site for the community in spring 2024 and will be under continuous development.
A significant growth driver for the aviation industry is the e-commerce business. It is expected that global e-commerce revenue will more than double by 2026, compared with 2019 figures. At Frankfurt Airport, correspondingly strong growth is expected for e-commerce consignments. By adopting a standardized e-commerce process, Fraport is adapting to typical needs such as rapid delivery times and the ability to track orders online, creating optimal preconditions for the operation of e-commerce terminals. Fraport is working together closely with German customs authorities at both the national and local levels and has developed a pragmatic e-commerce process that is also compliant with customs requirements.
By partnering with customs and the companies involved, Fraport is facilitating the compliant, lawful importation of e-commerce consignments into the EU and Germany.
The Cargo Community System enables seamless coordination between cargo handling agents and e-commerce logistics companies.
Fraport AG is supporting the rollout of sustainable transport processes by building charging infrastructure for electric trucks in truck parking lots inside the CargoCities. The first charging stations will enter operation in the parking lot at Gate 31 in 2024.
To simplify collection and delivery processes and make them more predictable, Fraport is creating a central registration point at the CargoCity South entrance for booking truck slots with various handling agents. Digital reservations of truck ramps can help logistics and trucking companies to optimize their processes. Handling agents can also improve their planning capabilities and therefore the use of their resources. The central registration point that is being installed at Gate 32 will make the slot booking process even easier for logistics and trucking companies. The advance registration procedure will reduce non-registered traffic inside CargoCity South.
A new digitized pick-up process will replace the various dispatch notes used by cargo handling agents. The result will be an efficient, paperless, and transparent pick-up process for all of those involved.
The new solution provides companies collecting goods with digital clearance at an early stage and always shows the current status of the goods being picked up. Going forward, users will be able to see at a glance whether all consignments in a particular collection can be supplied. A link with the truck slot booking service allows logistics and trucking companies to book slots in a faster and simpler way. A trucker database makes booking slots more flexible and speeds up the registration process. Plans also include a virtual trucker card which will verify the trucker’s identity electronically, making pick-ups more secure and accelerating the process even further. Pick-up requests will also soon be handled electronically, providing a clearer process for transport companies and eliminating the scanning of paper documents.
The digitization of the entire process is intended to save time and effort and increase security. The launch is scheduled for 2024.
The digitization of processes is a major development for the cargo community in Frankfurt.
As an airport operator, Fraport AG supports the expansion of digital infrastructure and in turn the community - helping to create faster, more efficient, and more transparent processes.
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